

2022-08-03 15:53

I’m proud of myself for not responding the following to a snap: that’s the wrong pasta and ingredients for a carbonara


2022-08-01 07:08

When people post a screenshot from a blog post with something interesting without a fucking link on slack…


2022-07-29 18:23

We all know the super rich is terrible, however, I’m fucking sick of complaints about it in my social media apps.


2022-07-27 11:22


2022-07-24 19:44

Writing is bleeding


2022-07-20 18:12

The painful 30 minute wait after you took the lasagna out of the oven


2022-07-20 05:18

I should really start posting more


2022-07-20 05:01


2022-07-13 19:13

I love how weird and different The Umbrella Academy is

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