
Kitty Term?

2024-03-18 00:00

I have no idea why I keep playing around with it.

Probably because of how stupid fast it is. But I don’t love how it looks; especially the tabs.

It have been a on and off project for years at this point to look at it. Unlike most other non iTerm terminals I haven’t dropped it yet.


2024-03-13 00:00

I love this app, and use it all the time when I heard something I want to checkout on a podcast but it isn’t in the show notes and the podcast don’t provide their own transcript.

It lets you transcribe from audio on device. Can be slow as fuck though.

Don’t be dumb clever

2024-03-11 00:00

There are a lot of clever UX ideas that drive me up the fucking wall.

Like for example, when some validation error or auto correct are triggered while I am filling it out — especially when it is a multi-field value like an address or date time field.

2 minutes ago it was one of the iOS apps that fixed” it when I tried to set the time something happened” in the future, and reset it because that is invalid but I just happened to change the time before I changed the date.

The adding widgets UI

2024-03-06 00:00

It continues to amaze me how bad the UI for managing widgets on iOS is. And all the stuff that is missing.

  • You can’t add an empty stack
  • There is no state for your last location (this also applies to the Shortcuts app by the way)
  • You can’t turn a widget into a stack
  • I’d also love to be able to select a bunch of similar widgets and turn them into one too
  • Or that I can’t select an app and tell it to only show me the widgets of a size

Proper export and import

2024-03-04 00:00

I can’t believe I have to write this.

If you make an app that has any kind of data, make sure it can be exported, and imported; plus a way to clear all data in it.

Now this is the crucial part. Make sure this export is done in a form that other apps and tools can work with. Ideally this means JSON plus exporting any binary data as files; like images etc.

Shortcuts still no real list filters?

2024-03-01 00:00

How is that we still don’t have good ways of dealing with data structures in Shortcuts?!

It is so weird, that there isn’t some simple map and filter functions in there.

Honestly don’t give a shit.

2024-02-28 00:00

Most of the time when some new tech thing comes out I don’t give a shit. But I’d not mind if I got it for free.

The AR/VR crap is different. I do not give a fuck. If I got it for free, I’d sell or see what kind of trade in value I’d get for it.

Could not care less.

Year in review: 2023

2024-02-22 00:00

  • Started ADHD meds at the end of 2022
  • Spent large parts of the year burning down and building up my systems multiple times in search of things that worked for me
  • Loads of getting used to changes due to being medicated
  • Focused a lot on fitness and longboarding.
  • Focused on a defining a pyramid that rules all my decisions and following it
  • Trying very hard to have as few things going on in parallel as possible
  • Starting 2024 in a better place than 2023

Leaning top-down, bottom-up or both?

2024-02-20 00:00

I have never been able to learn very well or a lot of the time at all by bottom up learning, at least at first.

This is a large part of why I never got much at all out of lectures, classes, courses etc. Both at school and more corporate training stuff.

A lot of this is probably related to ADHD and weird brain.

The way I learn things at first is that I need to have a thing I am going to use it for before it is even worth it for me to do more than get an idea about what the thing is about. When I have a thing I’m going to use it for, I just have to learn enough to accomplish what I need to do well. And repeat this process until I feel like my water is above the water, and I have control of it.

For programming this usually means that I can write code without constantly looking up things.

At this point is when I gradually start to learn more and more topics related to it bottoms up. It is usually triggered by me feeling that I’m at a place where it would be useful to understand something completely.

If I start with bottoms-up style learning I may as well not do it, because none of it will stick. But I get a lot out of it when I have a lot of things to tie it to.

Made with ❤️ in Bergen, Norway by Eivind Hjertnes