
When you don’t follow the diet

2023-12-13 00:00

As mentioned many times before on here, I’ve been doing intermittent fasting on and off since 2021, after I hit the end of the useful life of calorie logging.

An interesting detail of doing that is that, when it sticks, and you end up with a working system, where you do it most days but not all, your body isn’t very happy with you when you step outside of that.

For me it is fine to eat terrible as long as I limit eating to 4-6 hours a day or don’t stop fasting for more than two days.

Always good to get to the point where it is too much of a hassle to cheat on yourself.

Apple Silicone life

2023-12-11 00:00

After a few weeks on this M3 MacBook Pro it is amazing to coming from the last generation Intel MacBook Pro’s how fast, silent and not stupid hot this machine is. Plus how ridiculous the battery life is.

Not uncommon that I can do an entire work day in the home / couch office without connecting a charger.

Widget rant

2023-12-04 00:00

There are a few things that drive me nuts when adding widgets on my iPhone or iPad.

  • Why can’t it remember that I always disable suggestions and smart rotation in my stacks?
  • And why the fuck can’t I add an empty stack?
  • Speaking of stacks: why can’t it just stay in the same section / app I previously was in when I add them? So annoying when you’re adding multiple widgets from the same app to navigate to it every single time
  • The widget sizes: why isn’t there more options? It goes from the 4 app icon size to one twice as wide, then that size is twice as tall, then it is twice as wide. Leaving us without any skinny widgets. Plus many other combinations.

New device setup experience

2023-11-30 00:00

Every time I have to set up a new iPhone, iPad, or Mac there is this one thing I always miss. And that is a way for it to get the basic and just the basic information from one of my other devices that I have close by.

Things like my wifi password and iCloud username and password.

Might be possible on the iPhone setup. But I’d love for all of them to have an option to just get the bare minimum, so I don’t have to sit there and type long and complex phrases from one device to the next.

Can’t be that hard to send it over bluetooth or whatever if they are right next to each other.

Bye, Intel?

2023-11-28 00:00

My work laptop over the last three years have been the final version of the 16” intel MacBook Pro.

It have been great for what it is, but I also think that it in a lot of ways have been the Apple laptop I’ve had in recent time I’ve liked the least.

Just too big, too hot and felt old and slow not long after I got it.

It have been fine. But at the same time I’ve spent the last year waiting for when I could ask work to get me a new laptop.

A lot of this is probably related to that the M1 hardware started to get out there months after I got it, and that it was already over a year old at that time.

Hopefully the last time I ever have to use a large laptop.

Focus modes as tags

2023-11-22 00:00

The more I use Focus modes for things I start wishing they were more like tags. Because sometimes I’d like the screen layout from this modes, but the notification settings for work etc.

I could maintain multiple almost identical ones, but then I’d run out.

This also touches on something I’ve written about before that I wish Focus modes was two different things. One for the notification part and one for the more layout and design parts.

Shortcuts and folders

2023-11-20 00:00

It continues to drive me nuts that everything in Shortcuts is based on Folders and that shortcut names have to be unique.

I get what the names have to be unique since all the places where you pick a shortcut you are just shown a list of shortcuts with no ability to select folders or even see them.

How about fucking fixing that?

If you want to make a shortcut that pick a selection of shortcuts the only easy way is to use Folders, or if you want to have a widget that has more than one Shortcut, folders.

So, if you want to have it in multiple places you end up with a bunch of Running X from Y” named shortcuts.

It sucks. It is dumb. This is what tags are designed to solve.

Shortcuts developer experience

2023-11-15 00:00

Over the last couple of years, but in particular the last year, I have tried very hard to do more with shortcuts as is. Without doing my own apps or remote scripts or going into Scriptable and similar to do things.

There are a few things that still drive me nuts about the entire experience of doing it.

  1. We still have no real code re-use, and running a sub-shortcut sucks. For a number of reasons: you can’t pass real data to it in an easy way, it is A LOT of setup on each side to make it work, and you end up with a stupid amount of shortcuts that makes everything a mess.
  2. Because of 1 you have to duplicate blocks all the time, and this takes way too much time. And fuss to make it work. Plus that most of the time you have to re-do all the variable references, and if you’re not on macOS you can’t really select a bunch of things and duplicate it.
  3. It is still really bad at keeping track of what variables should be reset or kept when you move things around. Leading to you having to re-do a lot of variables a lot
  4. Why can’t it persist the place I was picking actions from for a while?
  5. Why isn’t it built into every type of block to give it a name?
  6. It should be a context action to add comments above or below a block.

Shortcuts actions

2023-11-13 00:00

A lot of apps have at this point gotten to where you can create things with add data using Shortcuts, some let you query it, but it is very limited how useful this is when you can’t delete or edit data using automation.

It is really weird and dumb. Is it a problem with the Shortcuts architecture or is it App developers (and Apple) not bothering?

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